when i was preparing to go out of town

Even tho I’m going to be out of town next week, my sketchbook will still be updated!
I’m gonna make Ash do it. If she can remember the HTML, it’ll be updated… otherwise, you’ll have to wait XD

We went to Target yesterday and got me a nice big (purple!) bag to carry my clothes in, so I don’t have to check a bag at the airport. I also got some comics to read, and a powerpuff girl steering wheel cover. Ok, so that’s not for the trip, but it’s keen anyway.

We’re leaving tomorrow morning, and I’ll be back Thursday. I was hoping to finish up a few things before I left, but it’s not gonna happen. I’m going to finish up my Ebay CGs when I’m home next weekend and ship them out.

Whoohoo, yay, I get cookies for updating chitty chitty bang bang XD I’m also winning Ellie’s poll, how did that happen? I mean, Dave Thomas!
Tanja opened her shop! go now! I want a yaller Enfaldig one. I’m gonna order me one when I get back.
Tiddeli-pom *does* look like Tiddeli-porn, but I just now noticed that! LMAO Oh, now it looks even MORE dirty! I don’t know why it looked dirty to me originally, other than the fact that all new words I hear sound dirty to me. Comes from high school, I guess, when nearly everyone would giggle over new vocabulary words after someone pointed out one of them sounded dirty.

woo, I gotta go pack.