when we tried to do stuff but failed

Hm, well, I’m back home. We were going to spend the night at my cousins house since they’re out of town, and told me if I wanted stay over a couple of nights while watching the dogs I could. So Ash and I were going to stay over there, eat dinner, and watch Bladerunner. We got Chic-fil-a, went over and watched Friends and ate, then played Jet Grind Radio for a while. Then we went to start the DVD, but discovered we had no idea how to get the TV to switch over to DVD. We tried for a while, then got bored. They also had no cokes. And the computer wouldn’t turn on. So we decided to come back to my house and maybe go see Final Fantasy. Unfortunately it was already 8:30 by that time, and the next showing was at 9:30, and we knew Ash’s mom wouldn’t let us stay out that late at the mall by ourselves. I asked dad if he would go with us but he said no. So Ash decided to go on home, since I’m leaving early in the morning, and I’m back here hanging out. Then dad comes in and says he didn’t realise our plans hinged on him going with us, and he was like, “well, I’ll go if you want..” and all that. Too late! Ash had already left, it would have been a hassle to try and get in touch with her and go get her and get to the movie in time. Oh well.