when my credit was expanded

holywhat… I have a stupid student credit card, right? It’s stupid. It has a $200 limit, which I run up every dang month, mostly because I’m paying for two webspaces on it. Last week I called and it told me I had $8 of available credit, LOL. That’s the way it always goes.

Well, mom just paid part of it, so today I decided to call and see how much I had now (I figured about $70) ’cause I want to order some Pocky for our vacation and Trigun Maximum 4 & 5. I called it up and listened to the the stupid machine and gave it my number. It tells that my available credit (what I can spend) is $583.


Some mistake, right? I probably dialed my credit card # in wrong (tho I know if you call from a phone number it doesn’t recognize, it asks for your zip code too). I called again, and it said it again. I called again, and it still said it.

Either they increased my limit or it’s a computer mistake. I’m betting on computer mistake, because a jump from a $200 limit to a $700 limit is extremely odd.

(but one can always hope…)