random sketchbook page

random page from Super Freak Out book 3

this is pretty much what every page is like… it starts out with just some random doodles on the same page, then I finish some of ’em and try to link them together. And colour them with my new, lovely box of Crayola crayons courtesy my Mema. This one had a random Britan head, and about three more meaningless heads. At dinner I started drawing a Vash at the top, then went ahead and erased the 3 meaningless heads and finished Vash. Then I just finished the Britan for no reason, and voila, a Vash and Britan pic -_-; Weird, eh? Anyway. Ash was like, what’s up with that? And I’m like, “I don’t know. Hey, watch this.” So I drew madison as wolfwood, ocha as milly, and poor miles as meryl, LOL. ok, madison doesn’t fit as wolfwood, but I thought he’d look cute in the outfit!

Yeah, freaky. I’ve also got a page with a Piper, another Vash, a Miaka, a Tamahome, a Wolfwood, a Selphie, and a little Sailormoon in the background. I was bored at the convention :B Thank god for cosplayers, if it hadn’t been for all the Miakas running around I wouldn’t have been able to remember her outfit XD

Anyway I’ll have more pages scanned and put together in a post pretty soon.