when i reviewed movies

Well, paint me red and call me Sally, I didn’t post yesterday!

I did see Atlantis yesterday. I enjoyed it. Not as much as Tarzan, but certainly more than Pocahontas. My main complaint about it was that there was too much packed into to short a time… it could have stood to be a good hour longer, particularly at the beginning (before they found at Atlantis) and also in dealing with the characters.

The thing that keeps the movie above the “eh” line for me was the artwork and character designs… especially the character designs! I would have liked to have seen more technology and … I don’t know how to put it… I wish it could have looked more like it’s time period more often? I love that era, and towards the end, especially, the story could have been taking place at anytime.

Seeing Atlantis made me realise how much I want Tarzan and Mulan on tape :] I haven’t seen either since the movie theaters. I used to have a pretty good Disney movie collection, but the last one I bought was Hercules…

You know, I forgot to talk about the movies I saw over my grandmother vacation. I’ll do it quick.
Shrek: Cute. Not as funny as I thought it was going to be. Annoying woman behind us talked on her phone loudly throughout.
Knight’s Tale: Too long, but fun most of the time. Heath Ledger made it bearable.
Pearl Harbor: Didn’t want to see it. It wasn’t as annoying as I thought it was going to be, special effects were way cool. Cuba Gooding Jr. was wasted, should have had a larger part. Cath sobbed (and I mean SOBBED). It was hilarious XD