Part two of my vacation sketchbook!

Text: “Draw something” “man hands” “17k” “go away”
This started as just a Vash, but then I finished the random floating Britan head to the side, and it became Britan and Vash. I added the other main SunDowner characters cosplaying as Trigun characters at the top (along with Kuroneko). Madison doesn’t really fit as Wolfwood… and really, I don’t think Miles would be happy in Meryl’s outfit, LOL. Ocha as Milly is cute tho :]
Britan: Deep Space Planet Future Gun Action!
Vash: ?
Madison: This isn’t right
Ocha: yay
Miles: (scribbley growl mark)

I haven’t finished this one because I keep getting bored of it… and I want to CG it anyway! Right now there’s just a Madison and Ocha at the top. I’m having trouble placing everyone else. There’s a VERY rough Britan and Miles, but that’s about it right now.

This is the first page of the story Cath and I wrote while at the Yuu Watase panel. Originally there were some little head doodles, but I erased them I did an odd, confused, glowing Harry instead.

Asuka in her yellow dress. Yeah, I’ve been having Eva nostalgia lately. I don’t know. I’m not fond of the look on her face… not “Asuka” enough, I guess.

Text: “Whee I’m scary” “Voldemort” “Now, more than ever, successful people turn to KARRASS”
This started out as a doodle of Sirius, then I added the Quidditch Harry. The rest was added on the plane ride home… I like the goofy Voldemort and little Harry.
Voldemort: Whee I’m scary
Harry: ?
Ash was looking in that stupid magazine they leave for you on the airplane, and she pointed out an ad with this line in it. We both thought it was rather amusing so I wrote it down, and then made it into a speech bubble for Sirius. “Now, more than ever, successful people turn to KARRASS.”

Text: “Vash” “Ha Kell can’t draw” “I don’t look like Tamahome”
I do believe I did this while waiting in line to get into the cosplay show. Piper, Trigun Max Vash, Wolfwood, Selphie, and Miaka all just happened, you know. I tossed that ugly little Sailormoon in at the end. Cath told me to draw Tamahome, but it didn’t turn out too well :]

Ruby Moon from CardCaptor Sakura. I started on this Sunday at Animazement, then coloured it the week after. Not very strong colouring, but I think this is the first pic I coloured in here (that was when I only had an 8 pack of crayons XD) I added more colour to it after the original scan.

While I was off at the closing ceremony of Animazement, dad flipped to the next page and drew “Cowboy Reebok” on there. I wrote the “UGH.” LOL
I drew the Senshi on the way home. I did a little colouring the week after, and punched it up while in Disneyworld (after I got my new 64 set of crayons XD). I also did the Sakura with the incorrect skirt colour… Oh well.
My grandfather once drew me as a cat, and as anyone who knows me knows, I LOVE that picture. Anytime someone asks me for a picture of me, it’s usually that picture of the Daddy Bob Cat I send. He drew a new one in my sketchbook the week I was up there… this time of my grandmother Mema. I love that one just as much XD unfortunately you can’t see it very well, but it’s what is in the little white bubble at the top.

The four main SunDowner characters. Yep.

I erased all the extra doodles around this, I’m going to put Piper’s Issue 7 design on the blank side. This is the preliminary Britan Issue 7 outfit… it’s already changed a tad since I first drew this.