when i was behind

To repeat myself, ARGH. I don’t get stressed very easily, and right now is the closest I’ve come to it in a long time. Let’s review.

1. Life Drawing. My portfolio of all work from this semester and my sketchbook were due today. Naturally, I had pretty much nothing in my sketchbook, so most of that was done last night. It wasn’t enough. I also missed 4 classes – one above the allowed limit. I’m going to thank the heavens if I get a C in that class. I have to go pick up my stuff tomorrow… pray it’s not too bad.

2. Review. Review is the most stressful thing in my life. Most students have to go through it 4 times in their entire career at that college – I’ve had it about 6 times so far. After my disastrous first semester, and because of that I have to go to Review EVERY semester until they’re satisfied. I’ve gone over what Review is before – basically I bring in my stuff from this semester, hang it up, and get grilled and torn apart for a half hour. I can tell you right now, everything I did in Illustration class this semester will be completely ignored. Then they will try to force me to take classes I have no intention of taking, ever. Last year I told them I couldn’t take those classes over the summer (yes they tried to talk me into summer classes.) because I was going to New York with my grandmother for the summer. Ha! Anyway. Review always gets to me, especially after last semester. I’m going to have to get drunk before I go in or something just so I can handle it.

3. Animazement. I just talked about this.

4. SunDowner & Astronomy Domine – both need revamps so bad it’s killing me, but I just *haven’t* had time yet. Esp AD…

5. SunDowner 1. I just realised I have a little under 3 weeks to finish this thing!! I don’t think it’s going to happen.

6. The Requests, including the Ebay requests x_x. I just haven’t had much time. I’ve been trying to do them in my spare time. Now that things have loosened up, I should be able to get them done, but it’s driving me crazy.

I wouldn’t be surprised if I didn’t have a few white hairs after this semester…