when i made lots of plans

I have NOT been able to concentrate the past few days. It must be because of school being out now, and the fact that I haven’t had to go to work. I’ve been forcing myself to work each day on SunDowner 1 and some of the request work (especially the pieces from the ebay auction), but it’s been tough. There’s no way SunDowner 1 will be ready in time for Animazement, unfortunately… I let time slip up on me during school.

My schedule next week is this, for anyone who cares ;D I’ll be leaving Thursday afternoon (the 24th) for my grandmother’s. We’ll spend the night there, and get up bright and early the next morning to catch our 6AM flight out of Nashville. We’ll be getting to Durham around 11:30, and we’ll spend the weekend there. Our flight Sunday doesn’t leave until 9 that night, so we’ll be getting back to my grandmother’s very late that night (or maybe very early monday morning *lol*). Since that day is Memorial Day, Cath and my dad will just spend the night there instead of going all the way back to Memphis.

I’m going to be staying at my grandmother’s for the rest of that week. Ash is going to come up Monday also. I’m considering actually staying 2 weeks, if I can get away with it. Right now I’m rather sick of being around here, and of being around the computer. I’ll probably finish SunDowner 1 then, start on SunDowner 7, and lay down the plans for a newer project… who knows if that’ll even get off the ground *lol*

I slightly updated Lazy Eternity earlier today. Just updated some costume info. No big deal.