when school was scary

I was up at my old high school last night. I watched the first half of their dress rehersal, and it looks like the play is going to be REALLY funny. It’s A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, and they asked me to come up and watch again so I could come up with a picture to do for them. And the play is tonight. Which means I had from 8:30 last night to 6:00 tonight to do a large, print-worthy CG AND get it printed in that time frame. *lol* AND I’m not getting paid! They had pizza there last night so I ate a few slices… and I get in free to the play… so I’m getting about $3 and 2 slices of pizza in return. I don’t mind, it’s for my old high school and for family… plus it’s good practice. Especially when it comes to deadlines!

So anyway, I was sitting in the gym last night (that’s where the stage is) and my uncle, the director, asked me if I remembered where the lights to the prop room were. I was like, “yeah, I think.” So he had me go up and turn them off. By myself. At night. In the dark prop room at night. In the dark haunted prop room at night. Where last year, at a play practice, two desks came flying out. Everyone was down on the floor, when suddenly a desk was seemingly THROWN out of the proproom onto the bleachers. Everyone stood there and looked at it… and then another one followed a few seconds later. Nobody was up there. So OMG! I went up there… the light switch is kinda in the MIDDLE of a long, U shaped room. It wasn’t so bad with the light on, but once I turned the light off I ran out of there so fast… !

Then, I had to go to my car several times during the night. Everytime I walked past this one light on the outside of the school, it would turn off. And then turn back on once I past. It did this twice. And then it did it again as Cath and I walked past it. We sort of looked at each other and laughed nervously (cause everyone there was in the gym, far away from that light, having a cast meeting… it’s a tiny building, it’s hard to miss someone!). Cath’s theory was that it was a malfunctioning sensor light, the kind that turn on when it senses movement, only this one was backwards. But it didn’t do it when we walked back. Then we had to go outside again, and just after I finished saying, “I wonder if it’ll do it again-” it went off. It was pretty freaky šŸ˜€ I hope it was the ghost.
Well, I guess I’d better get to CGing this monster.