when i had to go to the dentist

Well…. I had to go to the dentist today. Scary.
Well, it wasn’t near as bad as I thought it was going to be… even though we hadn’t been there in a while (due to an insurance change) all the people there remembered me and couldn’t believe how old I’d gotten. I had a surprisingly good checkup – no problems, save for my wisdom teeth. It’s nothing serious – he said I could probably wait another year or two before I had them out. They wouldn’t let me have a toy out of the toy chest tho… šŸ™

Afterwards, I talked mom into taking me to the anime store. We’re rarely in that part of town, so I really wanted to go. They just moved to a new building near the old one, and they got lots and lots of stuff… they even had the Utena movie artbook I’ve been wanting so badly – but it was still $50. Mom did buy me the CCS artbook Cheerio 2… yay! I saw a bunch of other stuff I wanted… oh well, I’ll have to go back sometime…

We got home and my ebay boots for my Selphie costume had arrived. I was telling myself as I opened the box, “it’s no big deal if they look horrible. it’s no big deal if they don’t fit. They only cost $10.” I pulled them out and they looked fine, then I tried them on… and they FIT. They’re great, perfect Selphie boots. Plus, they are RETRO.

I have been thinking of moving Super Freak Out… mebbe changing it’s name… what I want to do is run SFO off my blog, and have my blog be the main index page. Or something like that. I’m tired of this blog’s long URL, I think it would be easier just to have it at my other domain. Urgh. Anyway. I’m going out to eat with my aunt tonight, and then I gotta work on my poster some more. Geez… I dunno if I’m gonna get this thing done…