when i downloaded the harry potter trailer

Do the people who make sites like Harrypotter.com even THINK of people who have slower modems? Obviously not, seeing as how 56K is considered “slow” (see the downloads page). If 56K is “slow”…. what does that make 28K? Geez. I have a 56K modem, but because of where we live, I NEVER get any faster than 28K (in fact, a lot of times, I get slower than 28K.)

I mean, yeah, the site probably looks great and awesome on a fast modem or what-have-you, but it’s overkill! Not everyone has a super fast modem.

Harrypotter.com also bugged me today when I decided to check out the new Harry potter trailer. (Yay!) Because of my craptacular connection, I always save movies to my hard drive and THEN watch them. Well, there was no place to do that… I had to just watch there on the website. And, of course, that wasn’t working. It was bumpy and hiccupy and sound was really out-of-sync with the picture. Actually, I didn’t even get past the green rating screen before I gave up.

So, what did I do? I went to the High Speed Quicktime page file, viewed the source, found the actual file location, and emailed the URL to my father at work. On his super fast connection, the 9MB file took less than a minute to download (would have taken about 2 hours on mine, AND it probably would have lost the connection when the file was 98% done…). He saved it to a CD and brought it home for me, so now I can watch it as I please with no internet annoyances !

It was really cool. I’m all excited now. Hehehehe I’ve never been a big Snape fan, but… LOOK AT HIM!!! It’s Snape!! Man that’s cool. The whole thing. I’m gonna go watch it again.