when i did request week

*whines* No one requested any FF9 stuff! There was talk of a Beatrix request on the BBS, but it never appeared.
I think I’ll do it anyway. So ha ha!

Yeah, the request list is up on the main page. Got some good stuff. I got just as many OC requests as I had expected, but most didn’t come with a reference, so… A shame, some of them seemed interesting… but if I had accepted all the requests I’d gotten I’d have about 40 now!
Some various commentary about the requests that should have gone on the request page but is going here instead:

Du Brie showed us her character Aidan on the BBS a while back, and she is very cool. I’m so glad I get to draw her!
Andrael asked for Van Fanel…. *finally* a chance to do some Escaflowne art! I started one a while back but never finished it.
Cat’s character Darryl was one of those where when I read the description, I instantly saw the pic in my mind XD I love it when that happens.
Some RPG fanart… FF6 and Xenogears. Been a long time since I did Bart art, whoohoo
Rydia’s idea for the Terra/Edgar pic was cute, I couldn’t pass it up!
Ellie’s muses gives me an excuse to go all Mucha-ish, something very hard to pass up!
Katrina’s snippet of fic she sent me really caught my interest… it was another of those “instant pic” instances again!
A big thanks to Ak for requesting Laguna… I adore the guy, but I’ve never done a fanart of him (well, sorta, I started one and never finished it..)
And of course I gotta draw Tigrin !
The HP request work I got was good stuff.
The 4 Champions – something I should have done long ago but never have.
Same with Dean and Seamus, two under-drawn characters
A couple of Sirius-es, both *after* azkaban, a first time for me! (If either of the Sirius requesters see this, how do YOU guys imagine after Azkaban Sirius?)
The Malfoy family will be a challenge… hehe, I’m gonna have fun with *their* expressions
Yule Ball Hermione… another one that turned Mucha-ish when I saw it in my head.
And Ron and Draco, of course I’m gonna do THAT XD
Vash and Meryl… a chance to do Trigun fanart, like I was gonna turn it down. I’ll go with Vash’s regular jacket for once.
Two Card Captor Sakura requests that were very similar, thank goodness!
This is one thing I love about Request week – gives me a reason to do fanart I’ve been wanting to do for a while
I was surprised with TWO X-Men requests… Jubilee and Gambit, and a Psylocke. Whoohoo! I was hoping I’d get at least one.
And… like I could ever pass this one up… Piper, Miles, and Madison as Leia, Luke, and Han. *lol*
Now that I’ve all bored you out of your minds, I’m going to go eat dinner *bow*