when arnold called tech support

A Query:
I want to know if anyone recognizes this.
Yesterday and today, the morning show on Rock103 has played this little… segment… thing. I don’t know what you call it. But it cracks me up. I’m just driving along laughing my ass off..

Anyway. I don’t know if they got this somewhere or they were doing it themselves, but, like, today, they called up Gateway Support and used a bunch of clips from SOMETHING to talk to the guy. The clips sound like Ahnold, you know, someone with an accent. Anyone care to identify this or at least what the clips are from? It went something kinda like this… (not completely accurate at all, just what I remember…)
Support: Hello, Gateway Support, this is Van, can I help you?
Clip: This is Detective John Campbell
Support: Is there anything I can help you with?
Clip: Yeah
Support: Are you having a problem with your computer?
Clip: Yes
Support: All right, sir, can you describe it?
Clip: Stop whining
Support: Sir, please be professional.
Clip: You idiot
Support: Sir, please be professional or I’ll have to hang up.
Clip: You sunuvabitch
Support: Sir, please, you have to be professional or I’ll have to disconnect.
Clip: I’m gonna ask you a bunch of questions
Support: All right, sir-
Clip: Who is your daddy and what does he do?
Support: *hangs up*

Man, I wish I could remember exactly what was said, or even better yet, a wav of the conversation. Yesterday they called a woman. They kept playing the “Who is your daddy and what does he do?” The woman was all like, “Why do you want to know that? I don’t have to tell you that.”

(edit: Ok, I think I’ve figured out that *at least* the “Detective” part is from Kindergarten Cop… according to IMDB Arnold played “Detective John Kimble”… so there ya go.)