when i was playing ff9

FF9 Diary
Currently in: Black Mage Village
I didn’t get Quina the first time round, so I just got him/her. I like Quina, s/he is funny… specially the way s/he talks XD Tho I miss having Freya in my party. I lurve Freya, she is cool. I made up a song about Freya last night, but I’ve forgotten it now. Fighting as Beatrix was the highlight of my day!

I just finished cleaning my room, it is sorta spic-n-span now.
Something weird happened to some of my dreambooks. They started acting like they had the template for the old SunDowner poll. It’s screwed ’em good… urgh. I dunno. I couldn’t get to dreambook to look, so maybe it was a temporary thing.
I’m fixing to start on SunDowner’s new layout. Why SunDowner? Cause it’s actually going to take the longest of all of ’em…