when we decided to cosplay

Catherine and I want to do costumes together again this year, but we can’t figure out what. Here were our ideas…

Sailormoon: We did this last year, so we don’t want to do that again (tho we did think about Aluminum Siren and Lead Crow, but I don’t really want to wear something like that! I mean, it’d be cold! And buying/making wings for Lead Crow would be expensive/time consuming.)

FF9: I tried to think of an FF9 character Cath could be to match my Beatrix outfit.. I figure she wouldn’t want to wear Garnet’s orange thing 9_9; Or Lani’s outfit… (hey, doesn’t Garnet wear a princess-ey thing at the beginning? Maybe she could do that!)

Trigun: I’m doing Milly already, but I don’t think she’d make a good Meryl.

Slayers: We ruled this out… too much armor to make. I’d have to be Lina, and I don’t want to spend all that time on it

FF7/FF8: If I were to punch up my Quistis costume, she could be Rinoa… she’d take to that, I think. She’s always liked Aeris, but I don’t feel like being Tifa, Yuffie or Elena. Or any of the boys, for that matter.

Fushigi Yuugi: She’s planning on making either a Priestess Miaka or Schoolgirl Miaka outfit. I refuse to wear a schoolgirl outfit, and… well, I’ve never been a fan of FY costume design, and I don’t feel like being Yui. Or another Miaka x_x

Utena: I was going to do an Utena costume, but I nixed it for the Beatrix costume. Cath’s never seen it, anyway.

Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne: I thought of Cath being Maron, and me being Jeanne, but… dang man, that hair would be a pain.

CardCaptor Sakura: I dunno… her outfits would take time to make… and with me already doing 2…

So anyway. Any suggestions? Please? I think the best one I had was her as Princess Garnet… I think she’ll like Garnet, seeing as how she liked Aeris and Rinoa so much.