when Jesus loved babies

There is this sign posted on one of the roads on my way to school. It’s spray painted stenciled letters on a piece of wood, and it looks like it’s from the same guy who made the “Smoking Kills” signs a while back and hung them EVERYWHERE.

Well, this one says, “JESUS LOVES BABIES”

Gee, what does he think, Jesus HATES babies? Kicks ’em when he sees ’em? Screams in horror at the sight of them? I mean I get it’s an anti-abortion sign, but there are a million better ways to say “No Abortion” than “JESUS LOVES BABIES”.
I’m going to make a sign and hang it underneath it. Something like, “JESUS LOVES KITTENS” or “JESUS LOVES STARBUCKS” or “JESUS LOVES PUTT-PUTT GOLF” or maybe “JESUS LOVES ‘WELCOME BACK KOTTER'” I dunno, something stupid.