when Hobbes came home

My HP webring was mentioned/linked in a recent German article about WB cracking down on fansites and all that. I should really clean out the queue again…

I didn’t realise I’d let so much time go in between sketchbook updates! Sorry… a day to me must be like equivalent three weeks your time… or something. Yeah.

Mom brought home the kitten this afternoon! He’s so TINY!! He’s all black with a little white spot just under his chin, and he has blue eyes. He doesn’t like to be left alone, and he runs after me whenever I walk away šŸ˜€ Calvin doesn’t like him. Indy hasn’t even been allowed NEAR the kitten, cause that would be a terrible thing.

Mom and Dad don’t know if this is going to work, with Calvin actually *growling* anytime the kitten comes near him, and Indy just being a wild and crazy dog. I hope it does, I don’t want to give him away! Oh yes, his name is officially Hobbes. Speaking of black cats, I got my little Kero-chan and Suppi-chan plush thingies today XD they are so cute XD And I got my big CCS calendar yesterday (yes, I waited til march to get my 2001 calendar… hey, they were down to $10!), and it’s pretty cool. I especially love the front.