when i just kept on ranting

Kitsu – no, it can’t all be good comments, but it’s the ones that are just opinions and pickings on my style that get to me. I don’t put my art up to get help on it, I put it up just to share it with people. You’re always going to get criticism no matter who or where you are, it’s inevitable, which is why I just ignore it most of the time (or, if I’m in a bad mood, write long, rambling rants on it in my blog!).

Of course I like good comments (who doesn’t?), but posts like “That pose…is…bizzare…its not possible…I know I cant do that…did someone break her body in half first?” isn’t even *helpful,* just annoying (and I certainly didn’t agree with the comment). If someone tells me that the arm is foreshortened incorrectly – that’s all very well, if I had time I’d try to fix it. I get enough criticism in class as it is -_-;

But I swear, the next time someone tells me to stop making Harry look so girly, I’m gonna smack somebody x_x

I had something else I was going to say… I forgot what… maybe it was that I was eating that green ketchup and just wanted to comment that it tastes remarkably like the red…