when I made a costume decision

Ok, I’m doing Beatrix and Milly, but I need a 3rd. I ran through the choices…

Sailormoon costume: Did one already, don’t really want to do another. Sailor Lead Crow might be fun, but a pain to make AND a pain to wear. Out.

CardCaptor Sakura: I’m not cute enough to be Sakura. Plus I hate wearing dresses, especially feminine dresses, so that’s out. I DID consider the outfit she wore in the… I think it was the Silent episode… the greenish thing with the shorts and the bat wings? Maybe.

Utena: It’d been done TO DEATH. I would consider Juri, or maybe Nanami. Juri would be easier for me. Maybe.

Slayers: It’d be Lina or Martina. Both are too much work for the time I have. Out.

Fushigi Yuugi: I’ve never liked the costume designs enough. Out.

FF7: Cath wants to do Aeris, leaving me with Tifa, Yuffie and Elena (I don’t want to do a boy’s outfit!). Tifa and Elena, boring, and Yuffie’s armor seems like it would be a pain to walk around in. Out.

FF8: I like all the clothes from FF8… and I decided not to wear my Quistis costume again. I was thinking maybe Selphie… the boots I have will work, and I have a hat I could wear as Irvine’s hat. Ash thought of a great way to make her nunchuck thingies, and her dress doesn’t seem like it would be TOO much trouble to make. A possibility.

SunDowner: Ash and I talked about being Piper and Ardyn once a while back, but I think… it’d be weird. Besides the fact, I’m detail crazy when making these things… can you imagine me trying to make a SunDowner outfit? Every thing would have to be perfect, I’d drive myself crazy doing it. Out.

Cowboy Bebop: Faye. I’d rather do Faye than Selphie, but her outfit would be harder to make. I did find a place I could buy it recently, so that’s a possibility.

So, which do you guys think? Vote in the poll!