when i ran errands

I just got back from messing around (otherwise known as, “running errands”).

I had to go to to the bank to cash a check, get a couple of money orders, and also cash in about $140 worth of change *eye roll* I decided to leave a little early, around 9:30, so I could avoid the lunch rush. I got there a little before 10 and went on in and got my business done (it didn’t take long at all, surprisingly), but then I realised I was going to be too early to get lunch at McDonald’s. I wasn’t about to go home and eat Easy Mac again, so I decided to waste some time.

I decided to go to one of the most evil places in the world, Target. The last time I went to Target, all I needed was party cups and napkins. I wound up spending over $80 on everything BUT cups and napkins. But, I decided to brave the waters and went on in. I went to the Valentine’s Day section first, looking for Vday cards. I was in luck – they actually HAD the CardCaptor Sakura valentines! Whoo! So I carried the cards around with me while I looked at action figures, video games, pillows, CDs, DVDs… blah blah blah. Can you believe Target had NO Led Zeppelin CDs? wtf.

Amazingly enough, I didn’t find anything else I wanted to buy, so I took my cards on up to the register. I wound up spending a record LOW amount for Target: $1.50. How about that? I couldn’t believe it.

I still had time before 10:30 by that time, so I decided to go to my favourite place in the world: Toys R Us. During a weekday is the best time to go – there are only a few parents and below-school age kids there during that time. I first went to see if they had any Sailormoon stuff, since Cath’s bday is coming up. They still had those same ugly dolls, and the Moon Rods, so I wasn’t too interested. Then I happened to look up and saw.. CardCaptor Sakura “Fashion Dolls”! I grabbed up the “Green Fairy Sakura” and decided I was more than willing to pay the $10.50 for the little plastic Kero-chan that came with it.

I then had to head back to the Action Figure section. I must have hit it right after they finished restocking – there wasn’t a blank spot on any of the walls. I looked at the Star Wars figures, and wished I had tons of money so I could buy every GI Joe and GI Joe related item ever made.

Then….. I saw them.

The new, re-released MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE FIGURES. O…M….G. I had ONE MOTU figure as a kid. People only bought me She-Ra figures… But now, now after all these years, I can finally have my own He-Man to play with. They can be MINE MINE MINE!! Unfortunately, they had no He-Man or Skeletor… all they had were Evil-Lyn, Beastman, Man-at-Arms, Tri-Klops and Teela. I chose the Teela figure since I had always wanted a Teela when I was little.

By the way, I’ve given up on the old “It’s for my little brother/sister” stance. When asked, I just say, “Uh no, this is for ME!”

So I had a very successful day today. If the Tigers can beat Marquette tonight, it’ll be the best day EVER! Watch them tonight, it’s on ESPN! I’ll be there at that game, inking HP calendar pictures, so… watch!! :3

And congrats to Ann for winning Jan’s MOB! šŸ˜€