when the navy wanted me

Did any of you ever take the ASVAB?

I forget if it was for the army or the navy or what… navy i think.
In eleventh grade, we were all marched into the gym where we had to sit in the bleachers for several hours taking this stupid test. Not comfortable. We all had to sit like, five feet apart so we couldn’t cheat I guess?

The test was sooo weird, I can’t even remember it today. But it had like “mechanical” sections where it was like, “What kind of screw is this?” Heck if I know!!! I was pretty much Christmas Treeing, even though we had been told that was against the rules. I was trying to do it discreetly, but that may have not been the smart thing – one of my classmates got caugh during it Christmas treeing and was kicked out! He got to sit in the cafeteria for the rest of the day doing whatever he wanted. I wish I’d gotten caught!

Anyway. After that, I thought it was all over. But no. I got a letter with my results saying I had what it takes to be some kind of “engineer” or something like that. Whatever it was, it made me fall on the floor laughing, literally. Then, the calls started. Recruiters calling me constantly, asking what I was going to be doing after school, if I was interested in them, over and over again. Eventually after a year or so of college, the calls lessened and eventually stopped… or so I thought.

About 2 weeks ago I got another call from a recruit, asking if I was still in school and so on. Am I going to be hounded for the rest of my life by these people? Only time will tell.

Now, I’m going to take a break and go watch an episode of CCS, and then I’m going to come back, answer mail and OCAD responses. Oy! I still want a personal assistant, are you sure I can’t interest any of you…? You get to answer my email and take care of gbook entries and go to the bank for me and take my laundry to the cleaners and wash my car and neat stuff like that! And in return, I will teach you the secrets of the universe!