when i got addicted to the sims

I bought The Sims recently, as I mentioned. I hate that game. I have gotten nothing done because of that game.
Naturally, most of my sims are the SunDowner characters. I have one house with Britan, Ocha and Piper (thus far, Britan is a thief, Ocha is a extra (actress), and Piper has no job), one with Madison, Qudiar and Miles (Madison is a team mascot, Qudiar is a lazy bum, and Miles is a politician), one with Luke, Leia and Han (Star Wars, duh), and one with two gross guys, named Ron and Billy Joe Nasty. Ron and Billy Joe have a one room house with everything in it, except the toilet, which is in the outhouse. They are rude and like to tickle people they just met. I got skins and edited the ones for my characters, and just DLed some Star Wars ones. Pretty cool.
I took pictures today with the camera function. Piper wasn’t around all day so she’s not in them (I was only in the boys’ house today), but I got the others.

Ocha feels the beat

Miles’ pink speedo.

Madison and Ocha cut a rug

Qudiar, Lord of the Flies (I wish this one had turned out better, it’s Qudiar sitting at the table with plates full of flies.)

Madison inspects the new “Evil Killer Klown” painting.

This is what Qudiar does when he’s home alone.

Qudiar, if you have to go so bad, just turn around and GO!

Qudiar calls Ocha for the 5th time. For the 5th time, she’s not home.

Qudiar and Miles. In the hot-tub.

Outdoor plumbing.

Aww, Madison has a new friend!

Today, Miles was involved in a scandal, Madison got promoted, and Qudiar ate all day.

Stop dancing on the lawn for God’s sake!

It’s one in the morning,everyone else is asleep, but Britan is still over at their house grooving.

I like it when they dance. Obviously.