when i didn’t have references

I’m just sitting here… thinking about stuff… hanging out…

Hrm, I made a lot of mistakes in SD6. I blame this on the fact that I worked on it while away from any reference material (ie… while on jury duty). The character’s outfits – particularly Britan, Madison, and Ocha – changed during it. In the beginning, their outfits were dead on with the character designs- Madison had both his holsters and his boots were correct (when you could see ’em), Britan’s belts were right, and her boots were, once again, correct when you could see them. Ocha’s design changed in every panel, I think, except towards the end when I finally started doing the same thing. This was mostly on her jacket.

OH well, anyway.

I had my first Illustration Techniques & Technology class today. That class is going to be kickass. Today he gave us our first assignment – it was just a line, on a piece of paper. Mine said, “Another place, Another time — if there was an answer, he’d find it there.” The only rule is it has to be black and white. I can illustrate anything I want with that line, so long as it’s black and white. I love that. I love being able to have the freedom to things as I see fit, instead of drawing a stupid still life in conte crayon on a 22×30.

Every class requires you to keep a sketchbook. It’s dang annoying. You have to go make copies of pictures and find articles and draw all kinds of real stuff and… it’s dumb. I hate it. Every semester I never do the stupid thing until the very end, then I do about 30 pictures in it the night before and turn it in to make a D. Which is enough to pass. My other class I have to keep a sketchbook for – Figure Drawing – shouldn’t be near so bad as the ones I had to do for Drawing I and II. We can just fill pages up with eyes and that’s ok with the teacher. I like drawing eyes. I thi nk I’ll do that.

ANYWAY, the sketchbook we have to keep for Illustration T&T, like the class, is going to be cool. We can do anything we want, so long as he can see our ideas. If he weren’t going to be checking it every week, I’d just turn in something like the Super Freak Out book. Heh, heh. But I can just fill up a new sketchbook with SunDowner pictures and stuff and it’ll be cool.

HEY… I just had a great idea. I can do Issue 7 in that sketchbook. That way I get some work done and get a grade on it, too! WOO!

I’m also taking Figure Drawing, as I said. I’m glad I’m taking it. I’m so sick of still lives. Seven years of still lives is enough. I like drawing the human body, it’s neato. Especially the back. I have a thing for the back, especially the shoulder blade area, shoulders and neck. I don’t know why. I just think it’s … cool. The way it moves, you know, it’s neat to draw. I have a story about Figure Drawing that I think most everybody has heard, but I’ll repeat it again later.

Well I’ve blathered enough today. I’m going to go take a nap.