when i got leapt over by a giant man

We were talking about being on camera at basketball games. Well, once, me and Ashley went to see this basketball game. It was a while back, and it actually wasn’t a UofM Tiger game, but a “Memphis Flames” game. Or was it Memphis Fire? I can’t remember. Something like that. It was a semi-professional game with some pretty cool ex-Tigers on it… the team doesn’t exist anymore, sadly. Ash and I decided to go sit in an empty space on the bottom bleacher. We were enjoying the game, just hanging out, you know. All of a sudden, the ball comes out of bounds, right at us. With one of the players right behind it. The guy LEAPT over us into the bleachers… I don’t know how he managed to miss us. It was pretty cool, but the coolest thing was… when we got home that night, they had the replay on TV, and there was a nice shot of the guy jumping over me and Ash.
I had forgotten about that :3