when i needed a sweater

My green sweater is missing. Where is it? I can’t find it. I wanted to wear it tonight. It’s the one James is wearing in this pic:

I was wearing the sweater Remus is wearing earlier, but it was too hot. I want the lighter green sweater.

FF7 Diary, Day 2, Later that day: So, I played during lunch and got to the part before 7th Heaven. (After you get off the train). You know, the first time I played, I thought Jessie was a boy. I mean, that’s a boy’s name. There’s no way to tell it’s a girl, really. Then my friends in my FF7 sim told me it was a girl. I was like, “Oh, ok.”
I was mean to Aeris. I was mean to Jessie. I plan on dating Yuffie at the Gold Saucer.
I’d like to have the date with Barret sometime. Hehehehehehe.