when I decorated the tree

I was going to write about how crazy I was about my drawing comp. sketchbook, but for safety’s reasons I won’t. *nervous glance*
My teacher said that part of my drawing was having a super freak out once. That was a little… weird.
So I’m not saying anything I wouldn’t want him to hear…
Just in case.
I think I’m getting paranoid…

We got our tree! We are going to decorate it today! We have lots of pretty different coloured lights this year (mom usually makes us get one colour – yellow, or purple, or white. boring!). I want to put tinsle on it but she refuses!
I have lots of ornaments. They’re cooler than my parents’. I have a Harry Potter one (the one where he’s on his Nimbus 2K), a Han Solo, a Yoda, all four Beatles, lots of horses and unicorns.
When I move, my tree is going to be… odd. I don’t have any normal ornaments. I’ll probably end up using the silver aluminum tree somone gave us and we never used, cause I’ll be too lazy to go buy one. And I’ll get a colour wheel! Ooo!

So, Unbreakable. I thought it was very interesting. Too slow for me, at parts, but I liked it. I was very upset at the twist at the end… I hadn’t seen it coming, and… well, it was disappointing, but in a good way.
We saw the preview for Pearl Harbor. I like Ben What’s-His-Face. Matt’s buddy. You know.
I thought I had something else to write about, but I guess not.