when we went christmas shopping

AUGH! What am I doing here??! I need to be doing homework for my last class tomorrow!!!!!! AUGH!!!
Hmph, well… I’m taking a break. (of course, I’ve been “taking a break” for the past 45 minutes…)
Mom and I ran some errands today. We went to Barnes and Noble, the mall, and Wal-mart. I got a new ghost-y book I haven’t read before (The International Directory of Haunted Houses. I have the National Directory, and it was a really good book. So far the International has been, too), and vol. 15 of Ranma 1/2. I don’t know why I got the Ranma, I have most of the single issues that make up that volume… but it’s easier to read in volume format. (besides, I was surprised they had it).
Mom got me two Christmas presents there (and I SAW them! Tho I’m supposed to pretend I didn’t…)! A 2001 Mucha calendar, and an unlined journal with Hedwig on the cover. I never use them little journals like that, ’cause they’re hard to find unlined (that, and I don’t look), but that little book will be easy to carry inside my jacket (moreso than big, spiral bound sketchbooks…)
Anyway. We went to the mall to get her a new watchband. The mall was really busy. We had to wait 20 mins before the watch was ready, so we went to Eddie Bauer so mom could get some pants. I pointed out a sweater I liked. She got it for me, for Christmas. I hate that, cause now I have to wait til Christmas to have my pretty sweater.
She also made me leave the store before she checked out, so she got me something else. It could have been the other sweater I said I liked, or the little Eddie Bauer stuffed dog I pointed out, or the wallet I said I wanted. It’s probably the wallet, but I can always HOPE it’s that 200$ suede jacket I’ve been trying on everytime I go in there… *g*
Then I wanted a cookie. So mom gave me money and told me to get them while she went and looked at something. She came back with a Warner Brothers bag (A large one, with tissue covering the top). She SAID it was something for Ashley — but I don’t believe it! She wouldn’t tell me what it was, and she wouldn’t let me hold the bag. I hope she got me something! I hope she got me the Gryffindor houserobe… hehehe, that thing is cool. Tho it should be scarlet… but I’m not going to complain.
And I hate Wal-mart. What a horrid place. All those people… running around, screaming, riding those damn scooters everywhere… and I don’t know why they ever bother to play music, there are so many announcements over the intercom. It’s more like announcements interrupted with bits of music. And you can’t understand what they’re saying, it’s just “Mwah mwah mwah mwah five mwah mwah in the mwah mwah mwah bwah!”
So I guess I should get back to work. *pout* I’m putting up a new SunDowner poll right now, so go vote, kiddies!