Did you know you can crack a rib coughing? I did not know that. Wow.
My cousin Cath told me about another one of her misadventures today. I’ve been told NOT to repeat the story to anyone, but… well, like you guys will ever repeat it.
She was at UofM (her college), and wanted to go to the Main Library, which isn’t THAT far away from the campus. She called her gramma and her gramma told her how to get there. Well, Cath decided she could be ‘smart’ and take the interstate in instead.
Well, she drove. And she drove. And she drove. Finally she sees a sign… she’s heading to St. Louis. She completely panicks and turns around and gets back off, and then drives around trying to find a road she recognizes. Eventually she gets back into town… what should have been maybe a 15 minute drive at most took her 2 hours. And did she call anyone to help her? No, she was scared she’d get into trouble.
I can’t come up with any sort of ending line to this. But I’m sure you can tell how I feel…