When I bite into a York peppermint patty…
I almost forgot to write over here today! I was fixing to go have a snack and read, and then I realised… no blogger today! Oh my god!
I just noticed I wrote “panicks” in the last entry. Urgh. Isn’t it “panics?” I’ve been having trouble lately. Must be the stress.
Pray for me tomorrow. I have my Student Review. I’ll tell you about it tomorrow afternoon.
Go see my new Guestbook!!! It rocks!! It’s all purty and stuff.
FF7 Diary, Day 8: I’m out of Midgar now! I named RedXIII Eva, since I had named Aeris Zsa-Zsa. I don’t remember much about the whole Shinra building thing… I think I just pressed “ok ok ok ok ok ok” through the whole thing… but you know what? Stupidest part in the game = the sections of midgar. Where you have to go around and get the sections and put them on the model? I hate that part. It’s boring and dumb. “…Sounds like something opened up…” Thanks, Dipoots, as if I haven’t already figured it out by now!
I got use Omnislash on Rufus. It was pretty cool.
I took Barret/Big Baby and RedXIII/Eva with me to Kalm.