when ice kept me from going to work

I forgot to post yesterday! And I had the whole day off and did nothing but skulk around the house… why didn’t I post? I dunno…
Well, I was SUPPOSED to work yesterday. Isn’t that stupid? Having to work the day after Christmas! Anyway, I got up at 7:30 (as usual… gotta be there at 8:30), got dressed and started out the door at 7:55. Dad had to get up and move the truck (my parents both had the day off and I didn’t! Gah!) so I could back out the garage. He went outside and discovered our (very long) driveway was covered in ice. He said, “well, I’ll take you to work.” So while he did something I went back in to tell mom about the ice. She said I shouldn’t go. Dad said he’d take me. I went with mom. I called in to work and said I wouldn’t be there ’cause of the ice. Then I went back to sleep, fully dressed, shoes and all.
I don’t carry a purse. Ever. The one time I carried a purse was in 8th grade. I left it in every class that day and had to go back and get it ever time. I finally threw it in my locker and left it there for the rest of the schoolyear. So, since then, I’ve carried everything in my jean pockets. Everything just gets stuffed in my pockets… money, ticket stubs, papers, checks, cards, you name it. But mom gave me a wallet for Christmas. A charcoal grey, Eddie Bauer, super thin wallet. So I’ve taken to carrying that in my back pocket. I feel cool pulling my wallet out of my back pocket. And I can finally carry my license with me… :B
Eh… better leave for work. Why didn’t it ice over today? It’s supposed to snow today.