when i watched anime

OH! I forgot! I thought I had nothing to do today except work on my page, but as it turns out, I’m going to see the Emperor’s New Groove again with Ash today! HA! Oh well.
I lurve Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. I mean, it doesn’t reach Utena or Trigun lurve levels but I do really like it. I REALLY like Maron, she’s a great character. Miyako gets on my nerves, but I guess that’s to be expected. I like Chiaki, I wish we got to see more of him! I can’t wait to get vol. 5… Man I got left on a cliffhanger with vol 4, Sindbad had just kissed Jeanne and told her he wanted her to stop being a Kaitou. And that’s where it ended! ARGH!
I DON’T like the season 1 opening song. Or the ending song. I like the season 2 opening song MUCH better. Sometimes the animation seems a little odd, but oh well, I can over look that. I’ve now realised that my one KKJ fanart was totally screwed up. I mean, I’ve got pieces from both season’s outfits on there!
Urp. Um. Cya.