when we went trick or treating

Well, I just got back from Trick or Treating, and boy are my arms tired! hahaha!

We only stayed out about 40 minutes – Ash was burning up in her Wizard’s capes. I didn’t have too much trouble in my little jupiter costume tho LOL It was probably around 70 degrees out, really nice.

A few kids yelled at me — “Hi Jupiter!” “It’s Sailormoon!”

The best part was when I answered the door at Ash’s house. There was this group of kids, and there was this one boy, maybe 6 or 7 with these huge coke bottle glasses… his eyes got real big and he said, “Y-you’re Sailor Jupiter!!”

It was fun šŸ˜€ I’m going to use up the rest of the roll of film I have in my camera on new pics of my Quistis costume from last year, then I’ll have some pics up…