when i had food poisoning

You ever had food poisoning?

A couple of years ago, my cousins and I were at our grandparent’s house for Christmas. As usual, we went up the week before and stayed until Christmas Eve. Well, the night before Christmas Eve, we went out to eat at the restaurant called Suede’s (Carl Perkin’s restaurant, btw! Awesome stuff on the walls, letters signed by the beatles to carl, etc). My cousin Catherine and I both had the club sandwich.

We went on home and the four of us went upstairs and started watching a movie. A ways into the movie, Catherine started feeling bad. She ended up in the bathroom puking her guts out (what a lovely phrase.). We figured she was just sick, but it’d pass.

Then *I* started feeling bad. You know something’s up when *I* feel bad, because I rarely get sick. I kicked Catherine out of the bathroom and promptly began calling Ralph on the big white telephone.

Poor me and Catherine. We were up half the night like that. Finally around three or so we got to sleep. But then…

The next morning, our relatives started to arrive. And our grandparents started to cook. The smell, the sight, the very thought of food made us sick. We didn’t throw up anymore, but god. I can still remember how sick I got just thinking about food.

So our family all sat in the dining room and had a wonderful Christmas Eve meal together.

Me and Catherine sat in the living room drinking hot tea and watching “America’s Castles” on A&E. We must have been delusional, because we were both laughing SO hard at that show, and for the life of me, I can’t remember why.

We felt a little better after a while, and joined everybody else for opening presents. By the time I got home I felt OK, but still didn’t want anything at all to eat.

On Christmas morning I felt horrible again. Not because I was sick, but because I hadn’t had anything to eat in over 24 hours. Seriously, I was like, all out on the kitchen floor, weak with hunger. So I ate some candy.

Why did I bring this up? I’m sitting here drinking hot tea for the first time since that incident. And while it’s good, and it smells great, it brings back the memory of being sick as a dog.
