when i packed

Holy wow. My auction just ended at $93.00. Fantastico!
eeeergh. I’m so tired. I worked most of the weekend trying to get stuff ready for my next to last Drawing Comp class and my last Colour Theory class. Now I’ve got to go get on the phone with the registrar… x_x
I canNOT wait to go on vacation. i’m leaving the 10th. Then it’s good riddance until… the 16th, and then I’m out of here again on the 20th until the 25th. I’ve already been planning my packing. *IF* I can find them, I’m taking Silent Hill, FF7, and Crazy Taxi. I always play FF7 up there for some reason (it doesn’t feel right NOT to), Crazy Taxi is a great way to waste time, and Silent Hill is… well, I really want to replay it, since I beat it last time I was up there.
I asked dad if I could take my computer with me. He said no.