that time it was nana’s fault

John Cleese is going to be Nearly-Headless Nick in the HP movie. How cool is that?

I haven’t felt well the past few days… I think it’s the housesitting. I wanna go see a movie this weekend, it’s been a good month since I’ve seen a movie!

Heh, once me, my aunt, and my three cousins went to see a movie. We were standing in line, and Rachel and I had bought this HUGE coke to split. I mean, it was the size of my head at least. And neither of us wanted to hold it, so we were passing it back and forth. “No you hold it!” “No you hold it!” “No you hold it!” “No you hold it!”

So of course, we drop it. It lands top first, but it doesn’t spill because of the plastic lid. Me and Rachel just sorta stood there, looking at it. My aunt, on the other hand, picked it up… causing the whole thing to spill. It was like the great flood all over again.

Rachel and I both said, “Way to go, Nana.”

Then every person in line behind us had to manuveur (I didn’t spell that right, I know…) around the pile of ice. It was pretty funny.

Dunno why I told that story, but everytime I think of seeing a movie, I think of that. Or Catherine singing in front of the theater before Fantasia 2.

it’s cold in here… ><;