when yesterday sucked

Man, yesterday sucked. Not only the jury duty thing, but I didn’t get to do ANYTHING yesterday. I ended up driving a half hour away with my parents to eat at this little Mexican place. They heard it was good — well, it wasn’t. And NOBODY else was there. NOBODY! It was so quiet, I felt bad for making noises and I whispered the whole time. Then on the way back, I got sick. I’d been stuffed up all day, but I started getting a headache (which is unusual for me), so I didn’t get to go to see Bedazzled last night. I just came home and went to bed.

Today kinda made up for it. Ash and I went to see Legend of Drunken Master, which was great. Then we went by the comic store and I found the Vash action figure and got it. It is so cool.

I have tomorrow off! YAY!