Art Post: The Super Freak Out, Part 6

The sixth part of my vacation sketchbook!

Yes. I actually drew Sailormercury. I couldn’t believe it either. But here she is. With her helmet-hair.

Text: “Fri 8:30 am our last day here! ;_; last night we had “pissa” … it was good I was so hungry o_o we rode a sailboat for 3 hours yesterday.
A weird looking Moon. Mostly her head position is weird.

Text: “Harry Potter 4 is getting crazy [what’s that mean?] tomorrow on our way home I’m going to make my parents stop somewhere and let me buy it!”
I never meant this pic for colouring. But I ended up playing with it in painter. The thing that’s mostly wrong is that one leg. Anyway, the day we were heading home was the day HP4 was coming out. I did end up getting it that day, but not until late that night when dad got it for me at… the GROCERY STORE!

The pose is from the cover of Ash’s teen magazine o_O;;;;;; It was laying there so I used it. Unfortunately it looks really really odd. that’ll teach me to use poses.

Text: “12:54 Fri afternoon”
She’s purty. I think I decided on Lir for her name. What or who she is I dunno yet. But she’s got a sword. And the Holy Grail! “Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!” We must have watched that movie 15 times that week…

Here she is again, with her horse behind her. The positioning is too odd on this picture for me to fix it. Besides her face looks weird.

Text: “1:48”
Lir yelling or something. I could tell I was bored with this pic the moment that hair started going everywhere.

Text: “6:40 friday eating dinner at “WOLF BAY LODGE””
The gang having dinner. Madison and Britan are laughing at something, Miles is listening, and Ocha is telling Piper to put her straw back in her drink. To annoy Ashley, I made Ardyn be the waitress ;D Madison looks weird, I’ll have to fix him.

Text: “7:21”
Yes this is the back of SunDowner five. Done at 7:21 at the Wolf Bay Lodge. As I was drawing it, Kevin out of nowhere said, “your mother was a hoo-hoo!” We had been calling people “hoo-hoo” since that tuesday when he said THAT, but “your mother was a hoo-hoo!” killed us. I wrote it down so I wouldn’t forget it, and it happened to be on this page. That’s why this issue ended up being called that ;D

Text: “7:59 I had me some cheese sticks for dinner”
I did this to be the cover for Issue 5, but then dropped it and used one of the Beach Party pics. I’m glad I did.

Text: “8:12”
Since I couldn’t think of anything else to draw, I decided to do those SunDowner portraits I’ve been wanting to do for quite sometime. Here’s Piper. Her head is a tad too small. Or her body too large. Take your pick.

I think I like this one best of all the portrait pics! I dunno I guess it’s her face!

You know, for some reason, Britan looks short here. I dunno.

His eyes are too close together.

It’s gotten to where it’s hard for me to draw Ocha badly. I’m just so used to drawing her, I guess.