Art Post: The Super Freak Out, Part 4

Part 4 of my vacation sketchbook!

Piper and a fish eyeing each other underwater. Piper looks REALLY weird here, if I’m gonna colour it, it will have to be fixed o_O

Here is my infamous (among my friends, anyway) Hula Party Harry Potter pic. I dunno, I dunno… I like to draw weird things… anyway, he’s got himself a Heineken in hand. When I turn 21 and go to the fair, I’m going to have a Heineken. Don’t ask me why, I just like the name! There’s also another fish, a face doodle, Ashley wearing her stupid kercheif, and a stupid SD me.

Sailor Pluto. Really boring. I obviously got bored while doing this one o_O;

Text: “6:41 finished dinner!!”
This actually isn’t the first time I’ve drawn a Sailor Piper… It’s obviously just a joke! I mean, she’s saying, “In the name of lemurs, I shall punish you!” We had a good giggle over this.

The two characters from Ash and mine’s joke Star Wars comic, Neurotic Jedis. There is Jedi Trainee Kellilla, an airheaded, lazy girl, in the upper right. In the lower left is Dark Jedi Ashleia, the loudmouthed whiney one. She has horns, and is apparently wearing an “evil concealing cloak.” Whatever ^^;;;

I designed the NJ characters a while back, but never actually drew them well. Here is Ashleia with her evil, purple, double-bladed lightsaber. Notice the tail, the horns and the dark places under her eyes. You see, that’s what makes someone “evil.” LOL

Here is “me.” I have a blue lightsaber ^-^ This picture is weird.

Text: “Ash is being far too patriotic!”
We bought those little American Flags at Fart Margan, and we would wave them very violently at each other, you see. We continued saying “you’re being far too patriotic” about anything that was slightly violent. For instance, I’d punch Ashley and she’d tell me I was too patriotic ^^;;; ANYWAY. I started doodling a face. I didn’t know who it was. I say to Ash, “Who is this?” She says, “Ellie May.” *eye roll* Anyway, I made it Sirius, but it was so yucky I quit and wrote NO NO all over it.

Text: “1:40 PINK PONY PUB eating…”
Ok, so we decided to go to the Pink Pony Pub for lunch. Well, the only way into it was to go into the public beach parking lot. So we finally found the driveway and got up to the gate. We slowed down at the security guy. He just looked at us, so we drove on in. Susan and Tom were right behind us and he stopped them. Tom said, “You didn’t stop them why’d you stop us?” And the security guy goes, “They didn’t even slow down to pay me!” LMAO! So Susan and Tom paid for us so we didn’t get a ticket. Anyway, here is yet another stiff looking Venus. I can never draw her right.