when i hated zell’s hair

I don’t get FF8 until next week on my birthday!
In the meantime I’ll yak about my FF8 action figures. I have them all except Seifer and Laguna, who I will buy next time I’m at the mall. May I just say, Selphie and Rinoa both have really cool shoes, and I WANT SQUALL’S JACKET!!!! Selphie has some freaky hair… and Zell’s hair in the action figure looks really horrible. I’ll probably never draw Irvine because I can’t draw cowboy hats for some reason. Quistis is my favourite šŸ˜€
Anywho~ I went to pick up my comics today (I had like, two monthes worth in my box) and this freaky weird guy came up next to me and was like, “What is that?” I was like, “That’s just some comic newsletter dude.” He said, “Where do you get it?” And I told him that it just came for free in my box every week. Then he goes, “What is that one about? It has Pokemon on it.” And I said, “I don’t know, I haven’t read it yet.” And then he starts talking to himself or something, and then he says to the guy behind the counter, “When is the next Pokemon tournement?” (or something) Dude said, “Tomorrow.” And the guy couldn’t believe it. He was really kinda freaking me out and that’s when I left. The end.