Let’s see. Twenty-seven coke cans. A gazillion Prismacolor markers. nail polish, Quistis figure, Rinoa figure, gum wrappers, a bunch of photographs. Abercrombie catalogues, pencils, a box of cake mix, six sketchbooks of varying sizes, Star Wars mangas, WeiB books, some art, more catalogues, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Encyclopedia of Dictionaries, McDonald’s Fry boxes. Gunsmith Cats mangas, FF8 figure boxes, unopened gum, Slayers videos, pajamas, sweatshirt, two pairs of track pants, blanket, a bunch of CDs (no cases), Indiana Jones hat, Abercrombie shorts, flannel shirt, school bag, suitcase, N64, papers, papers and more papers. Record albums, leather jacket, Eva books, lightsabers, pillow, ooo, hey money!! 18×24 drawing pad, crap from last semester Drawing class, socks, hiking boots, tennis shoes, Abercrombie bags, newspaper from two weeks ago, X-Files action figures, $2.84 in change. You know, instead of making this list I could be cleaning all this up off my floor.
(The header is not an actual photo of this particular mess, but close enough.)