This is a back-dated post! In 2016 I went back through my old sketchbooks and “rescued” a lot of my old, lost artwork, and I’m slowly getting them re-added to my archives.
I had a LOT of Bartolomei Fatima (Xenogears) fanart around this era, because I ran a little Bart mini-site. Unfortunately I’ve lost almost all of it, and all I have left are the original lineart I found in the old sketchbooks. Since I don’t have dates listed for most of these, I’m going to shove them all in one post.

This is the one that was on the front of my Bart site, so at least the coloured version exists in the screencap of that.

Bart sitting

Random pose

Looking happy or goofy or something.

A sketch, doesn’t look like this one ever got finished.

Me apparently molesting Bart.
A few more homeless, date-less Xenogears characters I’m going to include here:


