when i got to stay home for thanksgiving

La la lala… inane chatter…
I am so tired. Been running around non stop recently! I’m starting flying lessons soon (with a plane, idiot!) … yay!! Too cool.
I sure do like Slayers. It’s so funny. Gourry is my favourite! He’s so funny! =D He is a lot like Piper (my mascot!) In the sim I play her in (Syndicate sim, which I STILL call Criminals sim), she acts very similar, Ash and I realized that the other day.

Hey, speaking of Ash we went to the mall today. We saw this freaky guy that was dressed up like Marilyn Manson… omg!!
My room is such a mess! There’s so much junk on the floor… well, it’s finally starting to get cold here. And rainy. It rained all day today, which means probably no bike riding tonight. GEEZ, I’m sick of baseball! It keeps pre-empting all my shows! I wanna watch Simpsons! Urgh…
Gee, I’m hungry. I wonder what we’re having for dinner tonight. I think fish.
I had to go to a BRIDAL SHOWER yesterday, remind me to be sick next time I get invited to one! ESPECIALLY if I don’t even KNOW the person. It was like, my mother’s second cousin once removed aunt’s daughter’s college room mate’s little sister’s shower. Or something. And all she got was KITCHEN stuff! Bleh! And I had to sit on the floor since there weren’t enough chairs. But then we got to go over to my aunt’s for my gramma’s birthday. That was fun.
Hey~! I getta stay HERE at my house for Thanksgiving! Hurrah! My parents are going out of town! BUT my WAY overprotective parents (and overprotective grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc…) decided that my grandparents would stay here with me. That’s fine though because mema is awesome.
OK, that’s all!! I’m tired of typing. I think I’ll go sleep now.