when i ran into a nail

(EDIT: There are images missing from this post and I’m not sure what they were. As such the post doesn’t make much sense.)

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Wow… isn’t that incredible? I *love* Yoshiyuki Sadamoto’s art. *sigh*


Oh, my poor knee hurts… feh, it always hurts!
When I was three, I ran into a nail. No kidding. It was STICKING out of the COUCH! I was running around like a rabid dog or something, and I leapt onto the couch… and the nail! OW MY KNEE!! Now it’s always bugging me. Well, not always, but it’s annoying. I have a scar on my knee now. It’s not as bad as it used to be. But it’s still annoying!

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I know that. I think my mother got lost because of the directions you gave her.

(missing image)

That’s from this! It’s so stupid! HEHEHE!

I LOVE INUYASHA!!! It’s so… cool! Inuyasha himself is my favorite. IT’S THE FANGS!! IT HAS tO BE!

Time to get back to work. Cya!