when i hated christmas shoes

I hate that stupid christmas shoes song. it makes me homicidal.

Christmas Decorations!

yeah so very busy lately... mostly with the move... thankfully that's over now, and chase is here and no more driving to nashville every other weekend! :) (although I will miss the cheesecake factory...) Anyway, I'm just posting some pics. Christmas ornaments! Gandalf and Frodo Princess Leia Han Luke It's not Christmas without our Nativity Scene. Since I'm in the midst of cleaning out and packing up my room, I had ...

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when peter boyle died

Oh no! Peter Boyle died :( I will watch Young Frankenstein tonight in rememberance :(

when i redid my room

So, I'm in the midst of re-organizing and redoing my room. For years my room has been primarily purple, black, and mess. Seriously, stuff crammed everywhere there was a spot. As part of my christmas, we're redoing it... my main inspiration is this Jim Henson poster. Chase gave me that poster for my birthday, and my aunt had it framed for me. So, I'm doing a pale, natural green - ...

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when i didn’t want a themed wedding

I'm tired of everyone assuming that when I get married, it will be a Star Wars wedding. I don't know why, I don't want to be Padme or Leia or Arwen or Belle or whoever on my wedding day, I only want to be me, as silly as that sounds... next time I hear about me having a star wars wedding I'm going to tell them to have their own ...

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when i was bored

I am so freaking bored.

when chase moved

Chase is moving next week; I thought we'd have at least one evening to hang out in his apartment, for old times sake, I guess you could say... but he has to be out wednesday, earlier than he thought. I'll be there wednesday evening just in time for us to leave :P oh well... I want a dollfie.

when i refused to share

This morning, the niece of one of my friends was at work, and she had a colouring book. So I sat down at coloured with her for a while, and I had a weird sort of flashback memory of a colouring book I'd had in 1st grade. Before I'd even ever started to school, I remember dad colouring a picture in a colouring book of mine and it looks so ...

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when i caught the bouquet

I had a really weird, vivid dream. A friend of mine was getting married, and had asked me to be a bridesmaid. It wasn't Mel, Mel was there with me hanging out when this happened. The girl in question is more of an acquaintance. So I thought it was very nice that she asked me to be a bridesmaid. So one day, me and the girls (Ash, Cath and Mel) ...

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the fair

I'm sitting here waiting on Chase to get home... he's taking foreeeever, traffic must be really bad. Oh, wait, I'm in Nashville, traffic is ALWAYS like that here. Anyway - we went to the fair last week! We all gathered at nana's house to ride down together... and I was surprised to see that in the two weeks since I'd last been over swimming, the pool had turned into a ...

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