when i couldn’t play the sims

MAN! I got an external harddrive a couple of months ago, and discovered that I could install Sims 2 on it and play it off of that (my computer can't handle it anymore, so I had uninstalled it a long time ago). So I decided to install it on the external drive tonight, I got all my stuff and sat down ready to go... ...and remembered my CD drive is broken :( ...

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when i did some more room work

So the room revamp and ultimate cleaning is finally to the point I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I started back in December, cleaning everything out and getting rid of stuff and moving things out of my room, so I could bring new stuff in. The plans were for a new bed for me, nightstand, shelves, a chair, a lamp, the works! Well, then Chase ...

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when my computer revived itself

IT LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my computers fan just miraculously returned to life after almost three months of being dead. whoa

when we played with Izzy

It's nice being around a cat that acts like a normal cat (my aunt's cat Izzy - I'm house sitting). Calvin is such a grumpy old man, all he wants to do is sleep and eat and hunt. Chase had a bunch packing paper his planes were in, and he sat it on the floor and Izzy went wild... she's still playing with it. It's so cute! She also got ...

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when the x-files kept me up

So last night, I decided I wanted to go to bed early, because lately I've been waking up in the morning later than I like to. So I closed up shop at 10, I had a snack, and went and read for a little bit. I had the TV on Law and Order (good for falling asleep to) -- but then it went off, and X-Files came on. I was a ...

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when i was dreaming of a con

No continuation of the cool dream last night! Only thing I remember about whatever I dreamed, was I was at a con, and someone had done a costume I've been wanting to do, only they were riding in a boat that had wheel on it. American Idol had the Memphis episode on next week!!!! I'm so excited! :D

when i had a weird dream, again

weird dream last night! I don't remember the first part of it, except I was like, on this quest or hunt of some kind with a bunch of other people. At one point we ended up at "my house," which was a huge mansion, with a lot of people hanging out in like a bar area. My mum was in the next room trying to sleep, and she kept complaining ...

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when i had a fiance

Fiance!! still getting used to saying it... fiance.... chase is my fiance!! date... no date set yet, but we want it to be outside, so either spring or fall. dress... I have NO idea. I bought a pattern ages ago of what I thought I wanted, but now I'm not sure. i've know what song i've wanted to walk in to for ages... that wont change! i have another song ...

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Christmas 2006 Haul

So this weekend was very interesting. Me & Chase, and my three cousins Cath, Rach and David all went to Mema's Thursday, and stayed with her until Christmas Eve, like we have since we were kids. Thursday was spent shopping, and we rented some movies to watch that night. Unfortunately I had brought my Xbox, not my Playstation, so we didn't have a DVD player to hook up to our ...

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