Art Post: The Wizard of Oz poster

So, yeah, I got talked into doing another poster for this semester's play. I really wasn't planning to, but Rach called thursday last week and asked if I would. That gave me a week. I kinda freaked out, I just knew it was going to be pushing it, I'd have to stay up all night the night before, etc. Well, I finished it last night, at 11pm. I never stayed ...

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when i wanted tacos

I love mexican food I want tacooooooooooooooos

when we couldn’t go to C4

I'm really starting to get irritated by something that keeps happening, and it's not even something I should really be complaining about, because it's just people attempting to be friendly/nice. No matter how many times I have said, "I'm not going to c4" - people still assume we are. I have it on my myspace page, right there with my events, "I'm not going to c4." Yet, I swear, ...

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when i figured up some stats

Obnoxious Costume Stuff I have been really bored at work lately. I went through my costume views and stuff at cosplaylab and came up with some stats. Most Viewed: Belldandy Second most Viewed: Queen Amidala Parade Dress Both of those are because I won 2nd place in the Belldandy look-a-like contest there, and first place in the Padme look-a-like contest, so they are linked on the winners page. Because of ...

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when anakin was hurt

This is absolutely my favourite Star Wars music video! Set to Johnny Cash's Hurt.

when i chronicled my wallet

I'm cleaning out my wallet, because I got a new one! I thought I'd list all the junk that was in it, because i'm a nerd like that. Ticket stubs: Casino Royale, Happy Feet, TMNT, Talladega Nights (that's it? I usually have like, 20 in there.) Receipts: Ben and Jerry's, Sekisui, Target, Texas De Brazil, McAllister's, Hancock Fabrics, Huey's, another Target A target rain check request ticket. For what, I dunno. ...

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when chase bought me another leia

I forgot to mention the other day, Chase bought me this sweet 1/6 scale Leia model. It just needs to be put together. I can't wait to put it up with the other Leias.

when i couldn’t find my costume stuff

My day of working at home has turned into "Day of Looking for Stuff." First I had to find all my Susan stuff. I haven't worn it since 2003, so it was spread out all over. The corset and skirt were together, at least. One boot was where it was supposed to be - the other was hiding. One of the laces is missing from the corset - no clue where ...

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when i couldn’t watch


when i had a butt crack on my phone

The other night when we all went out to dinner and a movie, Rachel was laughing about how she had taken a picture of a "butt" on her camera phone, by squeezing her arm together and taking a closeup, making it look like a butt crack. I decided to take one too, except mine was my "elbow crack." We were so tickled, I made it my screensaver on my phone. ...

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